Angelonia Angelface

Angelonia Angelface

Versatile Angelonia for the patio, balcony or to plant in the garden

Angelonia Angelface from Kientzler:

  • sun-loving plants with large "angeface"-florets.
  • annual plant
  • upright plant habit; about 40 - 50cm
  • 12-13 cm pot or 3L-containers



Angelonia Angelface Blue
Angelonia Angelface 'Blue'


Angelonia Angelface Carrara
Angelonia Angelface 'Carrara'


Angelonia Angelface Dark Violet
Angelonia Angelface 'Dark Violet'


Angelonia Angelface Pink
Angelonia Angelface 'Pink'


Angelonia Angelface Wedgewood Blue
Angelonia Angelface 'Wedgewood Blue'



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